Filmmaker Bio for Catherine Russo
E-mail: catherinerusso@gmail.com
She has an M.A. in communications from Goddard College and has been a media activist, teacher and producer for the past 40 years.
Professional Media Positions:
Founder and Coordinator of Provincetown Community TV, Provincetown, MA
Video producer for The Provincetown Public Library
Director of Community TV for the towns of Norwood and Westwood, MA
Dorchester Community Schools, MA, video teacher to inner city teens.
Video Instructor, The Boston Film and Video Foundation
Co-director of Telemanita, Morelos, Mexico, a video training and production center
Director, Camera and Editor, “Safe Harbor” which tells the story of the AIDS epidemic of the 1980's Provincetown, MA
Director, Camera and Editor, “Abraca O Baco”, the story of a famous fishing schooner in the early 1900s
Producer, Editor, “The Promised Land” a continuing series of weekly public affairs programs produced for Community TV in Provincetown
Producer, Editor, Camera, “Dreams, Desires and Lunacies”, a documentary of a Latin American Women’s Conference attended by 800 women
Producer, Director, Camera, and Editor, “Enough Crying of Tears”,
the story of the Comadres of El Salvador
Producer, Camera, Director, and Editor, “FEDEFAM” documenting the families of the
disappeared in 14 countries in Latin America
Awards, festivals and grants:
Women Make Movies has distributed four productions
PBS bought and screened “Enough Crying of Tears”
An American Film Institute award of $10,000
Productions have won 5 first place festival awards